ego - Nurturing or Negating Personal Growth?

Published on Jun 08, 2023 • 3 Min read

Ego: Nurturing or Negating Personal Growth?

The #ego can be both a friend and a foe depending on how it is #developed and expressed. It is a small three-letter word that causes most people tremendous trouble.

Ego is our sense of #identification. A healthy ego understands the #interdependence and #coexistence of life and identifies with the Higher Self. Whereas, an unhealthy or over inflated ego which sees oneself separate from others as it identifies with its individual #emotions and thoughts.

An unhealthy ego can be a hindrance to personal growth and relationships as it can lead to arrogance, a sense of entitlement, and an inability to see the perspectives and needs of others. Also, such an ego is fearful of losing and the need to constantly prove oneself, which can be exhausting and stressful.

When our #perceptions become our reality, our ego inhibits our ability to listen and be creative. I was working with a client whose ability to be creative was exceptional. In his excitement, he would rarely allow others to contribute since he believed that he was responsible for the success of the organization. A wall of #righteousness and #arrogance got erected due to the sentiment of ‘I am the doer’. His team had stopped proposing ideas and was feeling demotivated. He was frustrated at not being able to delegate and manage his time. When he realized that his righteousness was blocking the organization, he decided to step back and make space for others to grow.

We can consciously cultivate a #balanced and #healthy ego by anchoring with the Higher Self. A balanced sense of self-worth allows individuals to navigate challenges and setbacks with resilience and confidence, as they have a realistic understanding of their abilities and limitations. It promotes assertiveness and self-advocacy, empowering individuals to set boundaries and communicate their needs effectively.

Moreover, a healthy ego fosters healthy relationships, as people with a balanced sense of self are more likely to appreciate their own and others #accomplishments and recognize the value each bring to various aspects of life. Ultimately, a healthy ego supports personal growth, emotional well-being, and a positive outlook on life.

I’d like to conclude with this famous quote, “You can either be a host to God or a hostage to your ego. It’s your call.” - Wayne Dyer


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