Happiness is a choice

Published on Aug 03, 2023 • 4 Min read

Happiness is a choice

Are you tired of chasing happiness like a mirage in the desert? Well, it's time to realize that happiness isn't some elusive oasis; it's a choice and we have the power to make that choice in every moment.

We have the power of free will or freedom of choice to decide ‘how to be’. Happiness is about taking leadership for your thoughts, emotions and actions. While external factors may influence us, we have the ultimate say in how we respond. By taking responsibility for our feelings and reactions, we can shape our emotional landscape positively. Embracing the understanding that we can be the master of our life, empowers us to proactively pursue joy and fulfilment.

A positive mindset is a potent tool for experiencing happiness. Instead of dwelling on problems and setbacks, choose to focus on the opportunities and lessons they present. We have the power to reframe our language, transform our emotions and shift perspectives. Exercise that power and watch how life conspires to paint your days with vibrant hues of happiness. Gratitude is a transformative attitude that allows us to appreciate the abundance in our lives. Rather than yearning for what we lack or miss out on, taking a moment to acknowledge and cherish the blessings we currently enjoy can bring immense happiness.

It is easy to fall into the trap of comparing our lives with those of others, especially on social media. Life isn't a competition, it's a journey of self-discovery. Avoid letting comparisons and the rat race to get somewhere dampen your happiness. Happiness is not a destination, it is a state of being. Letting go of past regrets and traumas helps us be present to life. The past is dead and cannot be reversed. By using your past as a compass, not an anchor, you can free yourself from the baggage of the past and create space for happiness to flourish.

Finally, humour is truly one of life's greatest joys. Be spontaneous, find reasons to laugh, and don't take life too seriously. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh, engage in activities that bring you joy, and find humor in everyday situations.

Our inherent state of being is Sat Chit Anand, ie. Truth, Awareness Bliss.

Let’s awaken to our truth to create a fulfilling and joyous life. Live each moment with awareness to harness the opportunity to make choices that lead to a meaningful and happy life. Choose happiness, and watch how your life transforms for the better.

Key Takeaways:

Happiness is a choice, and we have the power to be happy.

Cultivating a positive mindset leads to well-being.

Gratitude allows us to appreciate what we have and live in the present moment.

Shift and expand your perspectives to embrace the abundance of life.

Embrace humor and laughter to make life more enjoyable.


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