Managing emotions at workplace

Published on Jul 17, 2023 • 3 Min read

Managing emotions at the workplace -

We all face days when it feels as if life is too much, life is not fair, the #boss is putting unrealistic pressure, and the #colleagues are not understanding or cooperating….In such situations, staying calm is not always easy. But, we all need to learn to manage and regulate our #emotions to navigate challenges, build strong #relationships, and ultimately drive success in the workplace.

I recently coached Alice, an employee at a large manufacturing #organization. Their manager had delegated a major project between Alice and Chris with tight deadlines and high stakes. Alice was emotionally volatile and passed the stress onto her team by being snappy, agitated and constantly complaining. On the other hand, Chris proactively communicated his concerns with his manager, brainstormed solutions with his team and calmly completed his portion of the project. Later, Chris got promoted to the next leadership position, whereas Alice, although a very dedicated and highly skilled employee, had to wait a year.

Strategies for Managing Emotions:

1. Self-Awareness: Understanding your emotions and triggers allows us to respond rather than react in challenging situations.

2. Emotional Regulation: Employ techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or taking short breaks to regain composure during stressful situations.

3. Empathy and Social Awareness: Actively listen to #colleagues, show genuine interest, and offer support when needed.

4. Constructive Communication: Choose your words carefully and clearly convey your thoughts and feelings.

5. Conflict Resolution: Analyze the root causes of conflicts and strive for win-win solutions through compromise and understanding. According to a study by Talent Smart, 90% of top performers possess high #emotionalintelligence. They are better able to manage their emotions, handle #stress, and adapt to changing situations, resulting in higher job performance and productivity. Start your journey towards mastering emotional intelligence today to be a top #performer.


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