
Published on Jul 24, 2023 • 3 Min read

As a school and college student, taking a bus was a norm for me. Later, as life progressed, after finishing my #morningwalk, I would opt for a bus ride over taxis or my personal car, as it kept me grounded and filled me with gratitude. Seeing the street folk fold their makeshift #homes, smiling, and getting on with their day, helped built fortitude and an appreciation for the simpler things in #life.

During each #journey, I used to encounter passengers from all walks of life - from labourers to executives, students to retirees, each with their unique stories etched on their faces. Listening to their stories made me realize the value of #empathy and #humility. Also, taking the time to experience the city from a bus window allowed me to witness the vibrant pulse of #Mumbai up close and personal.

Life is a journey filled with various modes of transportation, both literal and metaphorical. Embracing #diversity, cultivating patience and adaptability, practising humility and gratitude, and appreciating abundance and beauty in simplicity, are some of the profound insights that a bus journey imparts.

Furthermore, a journey be it in a bus or train, is a transient experience, with passengers coming together briefly before parting ways. This teaches us the importance of letting go of attachments and living in the present.

Many of us live a sheltered life, forming our own little bubbles of #happiness and comfort. While a bus ride may seem mundane and routine, it can teach us profound #lifelessons. Next time consider boarding a bus and take a moment to notice the little things that make life meaningful. Amidst the hustle and bustle, you might discover newfound wisdom and a renewed #perspective on life.


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