The science of laughter

Published on Sep 06, 2023 • 3 Min read


Laughter, the perfect antidote to stresses and worries.

When I go for my morning walk, I often see people gathered together, using laughter therapy. There are laughter clubs and instructors who are trained to make people laugh and open their minds and body to positive hormones. Laughter is the most natural child-like response to life.

The 18th century gave rise to the theory of release. The best-known version, formulated later by Sigmund Freud, held that laughter allows people to let off steam or release pent-up “nervous energy.

” I too had become so serious that my laughter had become less frequent. The frown lines had become more prominent than the laugh lines.

As I have accepted that I can only control myself, and not the world or outcomes, and deepened my faith in the inner self, I have rediscovered my spontaneity and laughter.

Remember those times you laughed so hard with your pals that tears streamed down your face? Well, those aren't just tears of joy; they're tears that strengthen bonds. Laughter is a universal language, a social happy glue that binds us together. Comedy shows and jokes are great icebreakers that get a gathering rolling with fun. Keeping those chuckles alive is crucial to preserving our happiness because there is a science behind this magical, mirthful phenomenon. When you let out a hearty laugh, your brain is having a party of its own. A complex interplay of neurotransmitters, like dopamine and endorphins, dance through your brain and flood your system with feelings of euphoria.

Stress is the villain that sneaks into our lives uninvited, but laughter is the hero that kicks it out. When you laugh, your body experiences an almost magical relaxation response. Stress hormones take a back seat while your blood vessels dilate, promoting better blood flow. So, whether you're stuck in traffic or grappling with a mountain of emails, a chuckle or two can be the perfect antidote to keep calm and be happy.

In the grand circus of life, it's easy to get tangled up in the serious acts and forget the uproarious clowns. Yet, the clowns remind us that life doesn't always have to be a tightrope walk; it can also be a playful, joyous dance. Just look around at children, they don’t need another to make them happy, they are just happy. When I watch a movie or play with my dog, I can laugh at the simplest of things.

I don’t spend time analyzing or judging, I am happy just having a blast with myself. Be childlike and laugh freely, it is the most effective medicine for a healthy and happy life. So, next time you're tempted to frown in the face of adversity, try a smile on. Even better, throw in a belly laugh, and watch the magic unfold. After all, in a world that's often too serious for its own good, a good laugh is the secret ingredient to a life well-lived - a life painted in the vibrant hues of happiness.

One of the best feelings in the world is the deep-rooted belly laugh. It can bring people together and establish amazing connections. #laughter #laughteristhebestmedicine #IAm #AshuKhanna #Playbooktohappiness #Linkedin #Linkedinnewsletter

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